TILED wishes to strip buildings and to dress people up!

TILED is a business project launched in the beginning of 2014 by me, Cristina Barradas a fashion designer, and Catarina Furtado an environmental engineer.

With a collection entirely made in Portugal, TILED is banking on a provocative mix of the sensuous and the traditional in that each piece is inspired by the façade of a building. With TILED, that object so distinguished and distinguishing of Portuguese artistic expression, the tile, is promoted to a textile pattern to garnish much more than stone structures. Each pattern is linked with the street name where is the building from which tiles were chosen to become the pattern of a TILED piece of clothing.

Please check out more info and photos in this catalogue.

Herberto Smith

MODELS Ana Rita Luz, Bruna Magalhães, Maria Ramos e Sandra Celas.

2014 - 2017